background: oral carcinogenesis is a multistep process in which genetic events lead to the disruption of the normal regulatory pathways that control basic cellular functions. epidermoid carcinoma of oral cavity (ecoc) appears as a consequence of multiple molecular events induced by the effects of several carcinogens influenced by environmental factors against a background of genetic resistance or susceptibility. consequent genetic damage affects many chromosomes and genes, and the accumulation of these changes seems to lead to ecoc. objectives: the aim of the present study was to assess the clinical and morphological value of p53 and p16 immunolocalization at the invasive tumor front in a representative series of 35 routinely processed ecoc. material and methods: samples of ecoc were investigated in this study. tnm system was employed for clinical staging and the invasive front grading system was employed for morphological grading of the lesions. immunohistochemical technique in paraffin-embedded and formalin-fixed tissues was utilized to immunolocalization of p53 and p16 proteins. counts were performed and submitted to specific statistical treatments. results: p53 and p16 immunolocalizations were detected in 63% and 66%, respectively, of 35 carcinomas studied. no correlation was found between p53 and p16 expressions and clinico-morphological parameters statistically analyzed. no correlation was found between the relationship p53/p16 expressions. conclusion: p53 and p16 immunolocalization did not influence the clinico-morphological parameters analyzed in this study and apparently do not represent a molecular basis for the biologic significance of the invasive tumor front. lack of a strong correlation between p53 and p16 immunolocalization suggests that both could participate in biological activities in the cell cycle control by independent molecular pathways.