this study evaluated the use of phototherapy in the healing of mixed leg ulcers in two diabetic patients (type 2) with arterial hypertension. the device had probe 1 (one 660nm led, 5mw) applied in 3 ulcers and probe 2 (32 890nm leds associated with 4 660nm leds, 500mw) in 6 ulcers. after asepsis, ulcers were treated with probes to 3 j/cm2, 30sec per point, twice a week, followed by topical daily dressing with 1% silver sulphadiazine during 12 weeks. the following analyses of ulcers with software image j showed that probe 2 presented mean healing rates of 0.6; 0.7 and 0.9, whereas probe 1 had 0.2;0.4 and 0.6 at 30, 60 and 90 days, espectively. phototherapy accelerated wound healing of leg ulcers in diabetic patients.