Ros芍cea granulomatosa: relato de caso - enfoque terap那utico

作者:Trindade Neto; Pedro Bezerra da; Rocha; Keyla Borges F; Lima; Joseli Batista de; Nunes; Juliana Cristina Soares; Silva; Aldavanea Cabral de Oliveira e
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2006.


the authors describe a case of granolumatous rosacea in a 39-year-old male, successfully treated with oral limecycline and topical gel of metronidazole. granulomatous rosacea is a rare form of classic rosacea, characterized by brownish-red papules or small nodules on a diffusely reddened background and thickened skin. lesions generally appear on the lateral surfaces of the face and on the neck. histopathological examination shows perifollicular and perivascular granulomas. the course is chronic and treatment involves oral antibiotics, such as tetracycline and derivates; and topicals, such as metronidazole and topical retinoids.
