
Village Zlat芍 Ba防a is known for the mining activities for gold, silver, mercury and antimony in the past. This article is devoted notto mining activities but to forgotten 2 dams, which were erected on the Del防a brook. The first was constructed above Zlat芍 Ba防a fromwood in 1691 and does not exist presently. The second one was erected beneath Zlat芍 Ba防a between 1802 每 1807 from stone and cementmortar. It exists up to this day but it is not working. The mentioned dams enabled to create water reservoirs. The first one enabled the water transport of wood trunksfrom lat芍 Ba防a to So n芍 Ba防a in 1691 for a mining output of a salt-stone (or stone-salt). In the years 1807-1917, water from the second reservoir enabled the water transport of wood by a wooden flume 18,9 km long from Zlat芍 Ba防a to the salt-works in Solivar. The mentioned dams and their water reservoirs enabled the high economical effectivity of the mining output of salt and salt-production of the salt-works in Solivar.
