Pressˋo arterial de adolescentes de escolas particulares de Fortaleza-CE

作者:Silva; Polyana Carina Viana da; Araujo; Marcio Flavio Moura de; Almeida; Livia Silva de; Vasconcelos; Herica Cristina Alves de; Freitas; Roberto Wagner Junior Freire de; Damasceno; Marta Maria Coelho; Lopes; Marcos Venicios de Oliveira
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2010.


objective: to identify the blood pressure of adolescents in private schools in the city of fortaleza-ce. methods: this is a cross-sectional and quantitative study in which 794 adolescents were surveyed - between 12 and 17 years of age - from 14 private schools of that city, in the period from march to september 2007. it was used a questionnaire that contemplated the following characteristics: socio-demographic, blood pressure, body mass index (bmi), physical activity and capillary glucose. results: it was found that 19.7% of young people had high blood pressure. the male participants had systolic blood pressure (sbp) and diastolic blood pressure (dbp) higher than females (p=0.0001). the investigation found higher values of sbp and dbp in those who were overweight (p=0.0001). conclusion: the blood pressure was influenced mainly by gender and bmi.
