Oclusˋo arterial aguda por derivados da ergotamina

作者:Souza; Edison Barreto de; Araujo; Marcia Marinho Gomes de
来源:Jornal Vascular Brasileiro, 2009, 8(3): 281-284.


ergotamine derivatives include several drugs widely used in the treatment of acute migraine attacks. intoxication by these substances generally results from chronic administration, promoting symptoms secondary to arterial spasm and the consequent distal ischemia. the authors report the case of a 47-year old patient with acute arterial occlusion in lower limbs secondary to the use of ergotamine derivatives. after drugs were suspended and anticoagulants, vasodilators and antiplatelet drugs were prescribed, the patient progressed with improvement of pain, paresthesia and return of normal skin color and distal pulses in lower limbs.
