
The present work tries to explain the proceeding and discharge of don Diego Luis Moctezuma Ilhuitltemoctzin, grandson of the hueytlatoani Moctezuma Xocoyotzin, son of don Pedro Moctezuma Tlacahuepantzin and father of don Pedro Tesif車n Moctezuma, the first Count of Moctezuma and Vizconde de Ilucan. Don Diego Luis Moctezuma played an important role during the second half of the 16th century and the first years of the XVIIth, first as son of don Pedro Moctezuma, who sends it to the Court and Kingdom of Castile to defending before the King of Spain and the Council of The Indies his interests as legitimate inheritor of Moctezuma Xocoyotzin. Later, when don Diego Luis converted into successor of his brother don Martin Cort谷s Moctezuma, one sees affected by the politics of the Crown and the Council of The Indies of systematic weakening of the indigenous nobility. His departure of the New Spain and the promises broken by part of the Crown determine the politics of Philip II and Philip III with the inheritors of Moctezuma Xocoyotzin. El presente trabajo pretende mostrar la actuaci車n y desempe o de don Diego Luis Moctezuma Ilhuitltemoctzin, nieto del hueytlatoani Moctezuma Xocoyotzin, hijo de don Pedro Moctezuma Tlacahuepantzin y padre de don Pedro Tesif車n Moctezuma, primer conde de Moctezuma y vizconde de Ilucan. Don Diego Luis Moctezuma desempe 車 un papel importante durante la segunda mitad del siglo XVI y primeros a os del XVII, primero como hijo de don Pedro Moctezuma, quien lo env赤a a la Corte y Reino de Castilla a defender ante el rey de Espa a y el Consejo de Indias sus intereses como heredero leg赤timo de Moctezuma Xocoyotzin. Posteriormente, cuando don Diego Luis se convierte en sucesor de su hermano don Mart赤n Cort谷s Moctezuma se ve afectado por la pol赤tica de la Corona y el Consejo de Indias de debilitamiento sistem芍tico de la nobleza ind赤gena. Su salida de la Nueva Espa a y las promesas incumplidas por parte de la Corona determinan la pol赤tica de Felipe II y Felipe III con los herederos de Moctezuma Xocoyotzin.
