For adequate treatment of patients with breast cancer, mastologists should have a complete understanding of the anatomy of the thoracic wall, axilla and breast. However, the classical anatomical descriptions in textbooks make it difficult to gain full mastery of this subject, because the books usually deal with its elements separately. In an endeavor to resolve this difficulty, the present authors have conducted an extensive review, to describe the muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the thoracic wall and in the axilla that are of interest to mastologists. The axilla was described in detail, with emphasis on its limits, walls and contents, and highlighting the lymph nodes in this region. Finally, the anatomy of the breast and its topography, innervation, vascularization and lymph drainage were described, making correlations between the anatomy and the lymph node group classification routinely used by mastologists Para un adecuado tratamiento de pacientes con c芍ncer de mama, los mastologistas deben tener un completo conocimiento de la anatom赤a de la pared tor芍cica, axila y mama. Sin embargo, la descripci車n de la anatom赤a cl芍sica se hace dificultosa en los libros para obtener una 車ptica visi車n sobre esta materia, debido a que los textos tratan estos elementos separadamente. Con el objetivo de resolver esta dificultad, los autores hacen una extensa revisi車n, describen los m迆sculos, vasos sangu赤neos y nervios de la pared tor芍cica y de la axila, que son de inter谷s para los mastologistas. Fue descrita la axila, dando 谷nfasis a sus l赤mites, pared y contenidos, y especialmente, a los linfonodos de la regi車n. Finalmente, se describi車 la anatom赤a de la mama, su topograf赤a, inervaci車n, vascularizaci車n, y drenaje linf芍tico haciendo una relaci車n entre la anatom赤a y la clasificaci車n rutinaria del grupo de linfonodos utilizada por los mastologistas