
this study presents the mineralogy and the chemistry of two urban soils in manaus (horto minicipal and novo israel) formed by the accumulation and degradation of waste in tropical humid condition. it was quantified the content of pb, cu, ni, zn, mn, fe, cd e cr and investigated the score of the contamination and the capability of these elements affect groundwater quality. it was quantified the geochemical fraction by sequential leaching, besides ph, organic matter content and the functional groups from the humic and fulvic acids were also determined. the urban soils reflect to a considerable extent the mineralogical composition of the natural soil of the region although the kaolinite has lower dregree of cristaline order. they have higher ph and organic matter content than the natural soil. both urban soils have almost the same order of concentration elements: in the horto municipal fe%26gt;zn%26gt;mn%26gt;cu%26gt;pb%26gt;cr%26gt;ni%26gt;cd and in novo israel fe%26gt;zn%26gt;cu%26gt;mn%26gt;pb%26gt;cr%26gt;ni%26gt;cd. the higher concentration occurs in the amorphous fe hydroxide and fe oxy-hydroxides followed by the organic matter fraction. these fractions have higher enrichment in the horto municipal probable in consequence of the ageing process of the waste, while the most exchangeable and the residual fractions have higher enrichment in the novo israel. this higher enrichment in the exchangeable phases is the cause of the groundwater contamination in novo israel and indicates a similar consequence in the horto municipal area.
