Estudo taxonˋmico das esp谷cies nativas de Hypericum L. (Hypericaceae) no Estado do Paran芍, Brasil

作者:Slusarski; Simone Rodrigues; Cervi; Armando Carlos; Guimares; Olavo Araujo
来源:Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2007.


a taxonomic study of the genus hypericum l. (hypericaceae) in the state of paran芍 was carried out. this genus includes about 350 species, mostly cosmopolitan, occurring in temperate and subtropical regions worldwide. seventeen species are found in brazil, with twelve species and three subspecies in paran芍, in all phytogeographic regions of the state, mainly in grasslands. an identification key for the taxa, descriptions, illustrations and data on geographic distribution and ecology are provided.
