The new century has confirmed the existence of new dangers: transnational terrorism, massive destruction weapons along with the weakening of some states which are nearly broken down. By the end of 2003, the Council of Europe laid the foundations of the European Security Strategy (ESS), and the European Policy for Common Security (EPCS) along with the PESD. The Council defined the geographic areas and the institutional military actors such as the Military Committee of the EU (EUMC) and the EU Military General Staff (EUMGS). Another key element is the European Agency for the Defense. The military capabilities and the Battlegroups (BGs) are studied too. El cambio de siglo ha confirmado la existencia de nuevos peligros: terrorismo transnacional, armas de destrucci車n masiva y la debilidad de algunos estados en pr芍ctica descomposici車n. A finales de 2003, el Consejo Europeo sent車 las bases de la Estrategia Europea de Seguridad (EES), y la Pol赤tica Europea de Seguridad Com迆n (PESC) y el PESD, definiendo las 芍reas geogr芍ficas de actuaci車n y los actores militares institucionales, como son el Comit谷 Militar de la UE (EUMC) y el Estado Mayor de la UE (EUMS). Otro elemento clave es la Agencia Europea de Defensa. Se analizan tambi谷n las capacidades militares y los BATTTLEGROUPS (BGs).