Tuberculosis peritoneal como complicaci車n en un caso de s赤ndrome mielodispl芍sico/mieloproliferativo inclasificable

作者:Martin Santos; T; Morabito; L; Raya Sanchez; J M; Alonso Socas; M M; Gonzalez Gonzalez; B; Hernandez Garcia; M T; Hernandez Nieto; L
来源:Anales de Medicina Interna, 2008.


we report the case of a 68-year-old male with a diagnosis of unclassifiable myelodysplatic/myeloproliferative disease (who classification), under prolonged steroid treatment and unsuccesful chemotherapy response, who developed progressive asthenia, thoracic pain, minimal efforts dyspnea, and abdominal distension, that initially was suspicious of splenic rupture. exploratory laparotomy showed multiple peritoneal implants, and a diagnosis of peritoneal tuberculosis was obtained from local biopsy. definitive diagnosis included a positive result to culture and pcr urine test, together with a possible pleural and splenic tuberculous affectation. response to tuberculostatic treatment was successful. to the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case with such characteristics.
