Desvelamento cr赤tico da pessoa estomizada: em aˋˋo o programa de educaˋˋo permanente em sa迆de

作者:Cunha; Regina Ribeiro; Backes; Vania Marli Schubert; Heidemann; Ivonete Teresinha Schulter Buss
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2012.


objective: to present the critical unveiling of the itinerary of freirean research in the care of people with stoma. methods: a qualitative study in health linked to the methodological framework of freire, which includes obtaining and analysis of data in dialogical circles, comprising three dialectical moments, intertwined in an interdisciplinary manner: thematic research, coding and decoding, and critical unveiling. this occurred in the period between april 2009 and february 2010, with an irregular number of participants, in the auditorium of the president vargas specialized reference unit, in the city of bel谷m / pa (brazil). results: inadequate training of health professionals was one of the most relevant topics generated, and unveiled the necessity of implementing a program of continuing education on the care of people with stoma. conclusion: the proposed unveiling constituted a life experience so that these people with stomas were enabled to %26quot;read the world%26quot; and thus know and walk towards the transformation of their reality.
