In today%26apos;s world, the electronic city which is the offspring of the development of the informationworld, paves the way for a round-the-clock interaction among computers and networks. Theplanners of these electronic cities are mostly concerned about the accuracy and security of theexchanged information. In order to elevate security and raise speed and accuracy in thereviewing of network performance and the dependable identification of persons involved inelectronic operations, recognizing the accuracy of the electronic signature is deemed absolutelyessential. In this article, a system named %26quot;Analysis of Intersections%26quot; has been utilized for theaccurate recognition of the electronic signature. Of important features of this system are theutilization of simple data structures such as array, stack, and list and determination of thesensitivity level for recognizing the accuracy of the signature by setting an error percentage forthe size and recognition of the shape. An accuracy recognition test was performed on 15 samplesof 150 types of signatures using %26quot;Analysis of Intersections%26quot;. Findings indicated that this systemshowed an accurate recognition of 2,220 out of 2,250 signatures, indicating an applicability of98.66 percent.