Int his essay the Colombian philosopher Nicol芍s G車mez D芍vila (1913-1994) is submitted as a thinker in Spanish, until recently almost unknown in his homeland and somewhat better known in Germany and Italy. Featured by their Escolios as brillant thinker, disrespectful and forceful, he describe himself as ※reactionary authentic§: with this, he didn*t committed with restoration proyects, but rather with a scating critique to modernity and especially to democracy, critique to modernity and specially to democracy, critique based, partly, on its insobornable faith fulness to the tradition of the Catholic Church, against wich also assumed the reactionary attitude, nourished in his vast and deep knowledge of the tradition of the west since the Greeks. This essay seeks, with the help of phenomenology, to clarity the real meaning of the attitude, and make, in contrast with the thinking of G車mez D芍vila, some elements that help us to understand the direction taken at the outset by the so called Latin American Philosophy in Colombia as imperative to think our reality in Spanish. En este ensayo se presenta al fil車sofo colombiano Nicol芍s G車mez D芍vila (1913-1994) como pensador en espa ol, hasta hace poco casi un desconocido en su patria y algo m芍s conocido en Alemania e Italia. Destacado por sus Escolios como pensador brillante, irrespetuoso y contundente, se calific車 a s赤 mismo como ※reaccionario aut谷ntico§: con ello no se comprometi車 con proyectos de restauraci車n, sino m芍s bien con una cr赤tica mordaz a la modernidad y en especial a la democracia, cr赤tica basada en parte en su fidelidad insobornable a la tradici車n de la Iglesia Cat車lica, frente a la cual tambi谷n asumi車 la actitud reaccionaria, alimentada en su conocimiento vasto y profundo de la tradici車n de Occidente desde los griegos. Este ensayo busca, con la ayuda de la fenomenolog赤a clarificar el sentido aut谷ntico de la actitud reaccionaria y aportar, en contraste con el pensamiento de G車mez D芍vila, algunos elementos que ayuden a comprender el rumbo tomado en sus inicios por la as赤 llamada filosof赤a latinoamericana en Colombia como imperativo de pensar nuestra realidad en espa ol.