
a floristic survey of eugenia l. species of the upper paran芍 river floodplain in mato grosso do sul and paran芍 states, brazil (22o40%26apos;-22o55%26apos;s; 53o10%26apos;-53o40%26apos;w) is presented. the study area is covered by seasonal semideciduous forest, with riparian formations along the paran芍 river and its islands and tributaries. the following species were identified: e. egensis dc., e. florida dc., e. hyemalis cambess., e. klappenbachiana mattos %26 d. legrand, e. moraviana o. berg, e. pyriformis cambess., e. ramboi d. legrand, e. repanda o.berg., e. sulcata spring. ex mart., and e. uniflora l. the greatest number of species in flower or fruit was detected in september and november, respectively. eugenia florida, e. hyemalis and e. repanda are widely distributed in the study area, whereas e. ramboi and e. sulcata were observed only on the left bank of the paran芍 river. an identification key, illustrations, descriptions, phenology and distribution of the species are provided.
