Search for the weak decay ψ(3686) →■ + c.c.

作者:麦迪娜; M.N.Achasov; P.Adlarson; M.Albrecht; R.Aliberti; A.Amoroso; 安美儒; 安琪; 白旭红; 白羽; O.Bakina; R.Baldini Ferroli; I.Balossino; 班勇; V.Batozskaya; D.Becker; K.Begzsuren; N.Berger; M.Bertani; D.Bettoni; F.Bianchi; J.Bloms; A.Bortone; I.Boyko; R.A.Briere; A.Brueggemann; 蔡浩; 蔡啸; A.Calcaterra; 曹国富; 曹宁; S.A.Cetin; **帆; 常万玲; G.Chelkov; 陈琛; 陈超; 陈刚; 陈和生; 陈玛丽; 陈申见; 陈少敏; T.Chen; 陈旭荣; X.T.Chen; 陈元柏; 陈卓俊; 成伟帅; 初晓; G.Cibinetto; F.Cossio; 崔佳佳; 代洪亮; 代建平; A.Dbeyssi; Boer; D.Dedovich; 邓子艳; A.Denig
来源:Chinese Physics C, 2023, 47(01): 23-31.


Using(448.1 ± 2.9) × 106ψ(3686)for the weak baryonic decay ψ(3686) → Λc+■-+ c.c.. The analysis procedure is optimized using a blinded method.No significant signal is observed, and the upper limit on the branching fraction(B) of ψ(3686) → Λc+■-+ set as 1.4 × 10-5 at the 90% confidence level.