Based on the biogenic silica (BSi) records, combined with the calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and siliceous radiolarian data, the evolution of productivity and climatic response in the southeastern Bay of Bengal (SEBoB) since the last glaciation is revealed. The productivity evolution in the study area is roughly divided into three stages: relatively low productivity during the last glaciation (~ 56 - 18 ka), rapid productivity increase during the last deglaciation (~18-10 ka), and ultra high productivity during the Holocene. Radiolarian species in the sediments of the last glaciation were dominated (~60%) by highly silicified Zygocircus/Amphispyris with the sagittal ring structure, whereas slender shaped ones with low degree of silicification were few. We speculated that the shell structure of siliceous organisms in the glacial sediments were affected by dissolution. Nevertheless, the calcium carbonate content (~20%), BSi content (3.5%-4.4%), and radiolarian abundance (1000-6000 inds · g-1) in the last glaciation indicated that productivity in the SEBoB had been relatively high, since the last glaciation with abundant nutrients and biomass. This conclusion was supported by the relatively high abundance of nassellarians (>50%)-an indicator of rich nutrients. In addition, the periodic fluctuation of Bsi contents in the last deglaciation might be controlled by millennium scale climate events. During the Heinrich Stadial 1 intervals (HS1) and Younger Dryas (YD), the climate cooled, enhanced northeast monsoon carried more terrigenous organic matter into the upper water, and the invasion of antarctic intermediate water enhanced intermediate water ventilation while biomass and productivity peaked.
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