
Foramen ovale and spinosum are important foramina of the greater wing of the sphenoid. Normal variations in their shapes and sizes are quite common and widely studied. In the present study, conducted in the Department of Anatomy of School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 25 dried human skulls were examined for anatomic variations of the foramina of the greater wing of the sphenoid. During the study, we noticed anatomic variations of the foramen ovale and spinosum. In one skull, there was an abnormally large and irregular foramen ovale which was confluent with the foramen spinosum. In the second skull, the foramen spinosum was absent on the left side and in the 3rd skull it was duplicated on the right side. These variations are very rare and may be of clinical and anatomical significance to neurosurgeons and physicians particularly in cases of trigeminal neuralgia, diagnostic detection of vascular tumors and aneurysm. Los for芍menes oval y espinoso son for芍menes importantes del ala mayor del esfenoides. Variaciones normales en sus formas y tama os son muy comunes y ampliamente estudiados. En el presente rep車rter, llevado a cabo en el Departamento de Anatom赤a de la Facultad de Ciencias M谷dicas, Universiti Sains Malaysia, fueron examinados en 25 cr芍neos humanos secos las variaciones anat車micas de los for芍menes del ala mayor del esfenoides. Durante el estudio, se observaron algunas variaciones anat車micas de los for芍menes oval y espinoso. En un cr芍neo, se observ車 un foramen oval anormalmente grande e irregular, que era confluente con el foramen espinoso. En el segundo cr芍neo, el foramen espinoso estaba ausente en el lado izquierdo y en el tercer cr芍neo se duplic車 en el lado derecho. Estas variaciones son muy raras y pueden ser de importancia cl赤nica y anat車mica para neurocirujanos y m谷dicos, en particular en casos de neuralgia del trig谷mino, detecci車n diagn車stica de tumores vasculares y aneurismas.
