考 虑 清 空 时 间 的 双 向 队 首 绿 波 协 调控 制 数 解 算 法

作者:Lu Kai; Xu Guang-Hui; Ye Zhi-Hong; Lin Yong-Jie*
来源:Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition), 2023, 53(2): 421-429.


Based on the requirements of bidirectional green wave coordination control for the head of the platoon on the arterial street,aiming at the incoming traffic flow of different movements at the upstream intersection,considering the influence of traffic flows and saturation flows,the setting of intersection phase sequences,the duration of arterial coordination phases and other factors,the computing method of the total clearance time of queuing vehicles was given. The calculation of bias-split in different directions were analyzed,the calculation processes of intersection offset and arterial green wave bandwidth were presented,and the algebraic method of bidirectional green wave coordination control for the head of the platoon considering the clearance time was established. The findings show that,compared with traffic signal optimization software SYNCHRO and TRANSYT,better results in reducing the average delay and stops of the coordinated platoon can be achieved by this method. ? 2023 Editorial Board of Jilin University.
