Validaˋˋo de um instrumento de registro para sala de recuperaˋˋo p車s-anest谷sica

作者:Cunha; Ana Lucia Silva Mirancos da; Peniche; Aparecida de Cassia Giani
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2007.


objective: to determine the content validity of an instrument to document the assessment and recovery of surgical patients in post anesthesia care unit (pacu). methods: delphi technique was used to conduct this two-phase study. results: items on admission and vital signs, audrete and kroulik index, pediatric index, nursing orders, and progress notes reached 100% consensus among expert judges. items regarded as being repetitive by 79% of experts were revised or excluded from the instrument. following this procedure, items of the instruments were again evaluated by the experts and new revisions were made as appropriate to achieve minimum agreeement among experts as recommended by delphi technique. conclusion: the instrument was validated regarding its content and format. further analysis might be necessary according to hospital and type of patient admitted to the pacu.
