
Las variantes anat車micas microsc車picas y las caracter赤sticas biomec芍nicas de la cabeza femoral son aspectos que han servido como sustento cient赤fico para el entendimiento de la vasta patolog赤a que afecta a la articulaci車n coxofemoral y el desarrollo tanto de implantes de reemplazo articular como de t谷cnicas de reconstrucci車n 車sea. En esta revisi車n se exponen los aspectos morfol車gicos microsc車picos y biomec芍nicos de la cabeza femoral, en relaci車n al extremo proximal del f谷mur, para describir las caracter赤sticas anat車micas microestructurales y funcionales que hacen de 谷sta, uno de los sitios anat車micos de mayor importancia en la cirug赤a ortop谷dica. The microscopic structure and biomechanical interactions and characteristics of the femoral head are issues that have been used as scientific support for the understanding of the pathology that affects the hip joint and also for the development of joint replacement implants and bone reconstruction techniques. The aim of this review is to expose the morphological microscopic and biomechanical characteristics of the femoral head in relation to the proximal femur, in order to describe the functional and anatomical aspects, which have made of this structure one of the most important anatomical areas in orthopedic surgery.
