Parents* and Teachers* Opinions about the School Food Policy in Belgian Flemish Nursery Schools

作者:Carine Vereecken; Hilde Van Houte; Veerle Martens; Isabelle Wittebroodt; Lea Maes
来源:International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2009, 6(3): 1268-1281.


The partnership of parents, teachers, and schools is necessary to develop effective school food interventions. To gather parents* and teachers* opinions and perceptions about the school food policy, 884 parents and 70 teachers of preschoolers completed a questionnaire. School food policy is an issue of importance for parents and teachers: the majority agrees that schools should restrict the availability of snacks and soft drinks; however, to replace fruit juice and sugared milk drinks with sugarless alternatives will take special effort. Fruit is not always available at school, although parents would appreciate it. Parents of lower educational level are in general more permissive.
