Toracoplastia traum芍tica: relato de caso

作者:Addor; Gabriela; Monteiro; Andreia Salarini; Nigri; David Henrique; Judice; Luiz Felippe; Haddad; Rui; Franco; Carlos Alberto de Barros
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2007.


trauma primarily affects young people and is the leading cause of death in the first three decades of life. flail chest is observed in approximately 10% of all patients with severe chest trauma, and the mortality rate among such patients is 10-15%. we report herein the case of a car accident victim with chest trauma causing hemopneumothorax and multiple rib fractures, intense pain and deformity of the chest wall. surgical stabilization was performed, with good results. therapeutic options are also discussed.
