
background: with the presence of venous reflux, there is need evaluate the clinical severity by quantifying the hemodynamic effect of venous incompetence and definition of their anatomical distribution. objective: to determine and correlate the degree of reflux of the greater saphenous vein (insufficiency) in a clinical ceap c2/c3 by air plethysmography and color doppler ultrasonography. methods: we prospectively investigated 87 limbs with reflux of the greater saphenous vein as ascertained by doppler ultrasound and 32 limbs without signs or symptoms of the venous disease. all patients underwent clinical examinations using air plethysmography and doppler ultrasound of the lower limbs. the parameters used with the doppler ultrasound were: the diameter of the saphenous vein (seven levels) and the speed and time of reflux. in the plethysmography, the venous filling index, ejection fraction and residual volume fraction were also considered. results: of the 119 limbs, 61 were class c2. in comparing the diameters of the vein of the control group with the study group there were statistically significant differences. there was an exception at the malleolus level. using the spearman correlation to analyze the indices for the plethysmography and doppler ultrasound it showed some difference, but the coefficient of determination (r2) showed that they were weak. conclusions: the parameters of the plethysmography did not correlate with the degree of reflux in the greater saphenous vein. there was a very weak correlation between their values, time and speed of reflux. only the venous filling index correlated with venous reflux. the ejection fraction and residual volume fraction were not important for discrimination of clinical severity.
