
autogenous breast reconstruction is frequently carried out with abdominal tissue, since a better and lasting aesthetic result is obtained, providing a new breast that is very similar in texture, consistency and ptosis to the contralateral breast. the main problem presented by this type of reconstruction is the sequel at the level of the donor abdominal area. perforator flaps are being developed as the main resource for solving this problem, as they hardly damage the muscle and its fascia. the diep flap (deep inferior epigastric perforator) has proved itself to be an alternative for reconstruction for many women, with low rates of local complications, due to the absence of any sacrifice of the abdominis rectus muscle, and a significant level of satisfaction with the result obtained. one drawback is its greater technical difficulty and the need for a surgical team that is expert in vascular microsurgery. however, the diep flap is a surgical technique for which there is growing demand.
