
The aim of the present study was to obtain the measurements of the different humerus segments and to estimate the length of humeri from them. For this purpose 100 (51 left and 49 right) sex-aggregated, adult dry humerus from Indian population, were taken to analyze the morphometric details of the humerus segments. The distance between five different segments viz: most proximal point of the humeral head and greater tuberosity (HA), head of the humerus and surgical neck of humerus (HB), proximal and distal point of olecranon fossa (HC), the distal point of olecranon fossa and trochlea of humerus (HD), proximal point of olecranon fossa and distal point of trochlea of humerus (HE) and finally the maximum length of humerus (HL) were obtained by means of an osteometrical board and an analogical caliper. Simples linear regressions (p %26lt; 0.01) were made to correlate each segment with the total length of the humerus. Positive results were obtained in segments HB and HE of right humerus. Regressions formulae were obtained to define these estimative. In conclusion, our study demonstrated that length of the humerus can be estimated from measures of different segments of humerus and this study helps in forensic, anatomic and archeological cases in order to identify unknown bodies and to determine stature of the individual and as well as for the orthopedic surgeons for the treatment of proximal and distal humerus fractures and for their reconstruction. El objetivo del estudio fue obtener las medidas de diferentes segmentos del h迆mero y calcular la longitud del h迆mero a partir de ellos. Fueron seleccionados 100 (51 izquierdos y 49 derechos) h迆meros adultos secos, separados por sexo, de poblaci車n india para analizar los detalles morfom谷tricos de los segmentos dle hueso. La distancia entre cinco segmentos diferentes fueron establecidos: punto m芍s proximal de la cabeza humeral y la tuberosidad mayor (HA), cabeza del h迆mero y cuello quir迆rgico del h迆mero (HB), punto proximal y distal de la fosa olecraneana (HC), punto distal de la fosa olecraneana y la tr車clea del h迆mero (HD), punto proximal de la fosa olecraneana y punto distal de la tr車clea del h迆mero (HE) y, finalmente, la longitud m芍xima del h迆mero (HL) medidas obtenidas por medio de una tabla osteom谷trica y un caliper an芍logo. Se realizaron regresiones lineales simples para correlacionar cada segmento con la longitud total del h迆mero. Se obtuvieron resultados positivos en los segmentos de HB y HE de h迆mero derecho. F車rmulas de regresi車n se obtuvieron para definir estimativos. En conclusi車n, nuestro estudio demostr車 qu
