Herein,we developed the invasive plant-derived biochar (IPB) functionalized with CaAl-LDH at five mass ratios using a physical mixture method,assessed their adsorption perform for Eu(Ⅲ),and explored the relative mechanisms.Results show that the IPB successfully loaded CaAl-LDH in five composites and their Eu(Ⅲ) sorption affinities were strongly affected by solution p H,contact time,temperature,and the mass ratio of LDH and IPB.All the sorpiton process for Eu(Ⅲ) occurred on the heterogeneous surface of five composites and the boundary layer diffusion limited the chemical sorption rate.Interestingly,the CaAl-LDH/IPB composite with high ratio of IPB had higher sorption capacity than the one with high ratio of LDH due to larger porosity of the former.Three mechanisms containing ion exchange between Al and Eu ions,surface complexation with carboxyl-and oxygen-containing functional groups,and precipitation were involved in the Eu(Ⅲ) sorption,but the dominant sorption mechanism for each CaAl-LDH/IPB composite differed with different mass ratio of CaAl-LDH and IPB.In composite with more IPB (e.g.,CaAl-LDH/IPB-13),both ion exchange and surface complexes dominated the sorption process and the intensity of Eu3+ was identified with the one of Eu2O3.Whereas in composites with high LDH,ion exchange dominated the sorption and the intensity of Eu3+ was obviously higher than the one of Eu2O3.This research will provide a new perspective for the application of the LDH/biochar materials.