
diabetes mellitus remains a subject of study due to the fact that clinical trials and new laboratory resources have increasingly added updated information to medical practice. high glycemic levels are harmful and their persistence results in complications such as tissue damage, loss of normal function and failure of several organs. glycated hemoglobin control has been a useful tool to monitor diabetic patients, and this analyte was validated by two major clinical studies about the impact assessment of rigid glycemic control on the incidence and progression of diabetes complications: diabetes control and complications trial (dcct, 1993) and united kingdom prospective diabetes study (ukpds, 1998). these studies showed that glycated hemoglobin level below 7% reduces the risk of complications in diabetes. in 2004, the interdisciplinary group of standardization of glycated haemoglobin-a1c, a group of specialists from scientific societies and pharmaceutical companies in brazil, published an official statement about the importance of glycated hemoglobin for the assessment of glycemic control. it discusses the clinical and laboratory aspects, which includes pre-analytical and analytical variations. the recommendations for the use of the test and the ideal control levels for adults, children and elderly people were established. according to this document, a1c tests should be performed at least twice a year by all patients with diabetes mellitus. however, when the results are not appropriate and/or changes are made in the therapeutic scheme, the test should be performed after three months. it is recommended for individuals with diabetes types 1 and 2 and the goal to be achieved is below 7% for effective control in both adults and youngsters. for children during the prepubertal stage the acceptable level of a1c is up to 8% and in pubertal stage, up to 8.5%. in elderly patients, a1c up to 8% is considered appropriate insofar as the attempt to a rigid glycemic level in this age
