significant part of amazonia soils stays partially or completely waterlogged for varying periods of days to months, as result of widespread inundation or drainage deficiency in some areas, causing changes in chemical, physical and biological properties. in this work, we aimed to evaluate the dynamics of mobilization of al, ca, fe, k, mg, mn, na, si, p in soils subjected to controlled six months inundation. soil solution aliquots were collected periodically during the inundation period, determining all elements in solution. the inundation influenced the kinetics of elements, increasing their mobilization, notably in the first weeks. levels of fe in solution were higher in soils with greater amounts of amorphous fe. in soils with low amorphous fe and low organic matter contents, mobilization of fe was very low. levels of p in solution were influenced by all p forms, but fe-p forms exerted the greatest influence on mobilized p. levels of ca, mg, k and na in solution were directly influenced by their exchangeable levels, as well by the mn and fe kinetics.