Coinfecˋˋo histoplasmose e Aids

作者:Orsi; Ana Tereza; Nogueira; Lisiane; Chrusciak Talhari; Anette; Santos; Monica; Ferreira; Luiz Carlos de Lima; Talhari; Sinesio; Talhari; Carolina
来源:Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, 2011.


this report concerns an aids patient presenting systemic and cutaneous manifestations of histoplasmosis. a histopathological and mycological examination of the skin lesion confirmed the diagnosis. in aids patients histoplasmosis arises mainly when the t-cd4+ cell count is less than 50 cells/mm3. in such cases, histoplasmosis can be severe and if left untreated can lead to death, as occurred with this patient.
