Avaliaˋˋo dos descritores de asma grave em pacientes inclu赤dos na portaria de sa迆de p迆blica que regulamenta a distribuiˋˋo gratuita de medicamentos para o tratamento de manutenˋˋo da asma

作者:Santos; Maria Amelia Carvalho da Silva; Fernandes; Ana Luisa Godoy; Amorim; Mara Marta; Lima; Patricia Bueno; Faresin; Sonia Maria; Santoro; Ilka Lopes
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2009, 35(4): 310-317.


objective: to evaluate the capacity of the criteria described in complementary directive sas/ms 12, issued on november 12, 2002, to identify patients with severe asthma, describing and comparing clinical, functional and treatment data of such patients. methods: this was a nested case-control study using a structured database for adult asthma outpatients. we defined cases as asthma patients who met the inclusion criteria described in the directive, defining controls as those who did not. we collected and compared data related to the following: demographic characteristics; history of asthma; medications in use; comorbidities; history of tobacco use; number of exacerbations within the last 12 months, asthma-related hospitalizations and intensive care unit admissions within the last 12 months; spirometry; and sputum cytology. results: the case and control groups consisted of 29 and 31 patients, respectively. the number of asthma exacerbations and emergence room visits within the last 12 months, as well as the number of patients that received at least one pulse of oral corticosteroids, was significantly higher in the case group than in the control group. in addition, prebronchodilator fvc was lower among the cases than among the controls. furthermore, cytology revealed that eosinophil counts were significantly higher in the induced sputum of cases than in that of controls. conclusions: the criteria described in the directive are suited to stratifying patients with severe asthma.
