Esquizofrenia, psicopatologia e crime violento: uma revisˋo das evid那ncias emp赤ricas

作者:Teixeira; Eduardo Henrique; Pereira; Marcelo Carlos; Rigacci; Renata; Dalgalarrondo; Paulo
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 2007.


objective: to study, through a comprehensive review of the scientific literature, the relationship between schizophrenia, psychosis and violence. methods: an electronic search was conducted in medline, scielo e lilacs databases, up until june 2006, including all papers written in english or portuguese. results: there are several international research papers which found a connection between schizophrenia and violent behavior, especially when there is a history of substance abuse. specific aspects of delusion are related to violent behavior, such as a greater degree of conviction or delusions about being in control or persecuted. conclusions: despite methodological limitations, it can be said that some aspects of acute psychosis and accompanying substance abuse seem to be strongly related to the presence of violent behavior among psychotic patients. according the studies retrieved, only a small percentage of social violence can be attributed to this particular group of patients. new data shall allow that in the future the risk of violent behavior will be predictable, making it possible for the use of preventive interventions and avoiding stigmatization.
