The Laser used correctly in the medical practice offers clear advantages compared with traditional therapies. The improvement and even the elimination of many significant skin lesions can be achieved with reduced risks to patients. However, it is important to keep security measures and understand the possible effects on an experimental model. The chick embryo is a good model to evaluate the direct effects of non-ionizing radiation for its easy handling and availability. The purpose of this communication is to show our histological findings in organs of the chick embryo with and without protective barrier to be subjected to radiation excimer. We used the following issuers: intense pulsed light (excimer Xe-Cl laser of 308 nm wavelength). It was irradiated embryos through an open window on eggshells. Aseptically the eggs were kept for 24 hours in an incubator. The protective barriers were used with and without colored glass, latex, cellophane, paper, polycarbonate of different colors and thicknesses. The most outstanding results, with no barrier and barriers with transparent and green were intense marked congestion in capillaries, edema and focus the necrosis. We concluded that the tissue changes observed are consistent with possible side effects of these radiations fotot谷rmicos we warned about possible side effects when they are applied indiscriminately. We believe it is important to explore different means to safeguard the safety of operators and patients. El l芍ser utilizado correctamente en la pr芍ctica m谷dica ofrece claras ventajas cuando se compara con las terapias tradicionales. La mejor赤a e incluso la eliminaci車n significativa de muchas lesiones cut芍neas se pueden lograr con riesgos reducidos para los pacientes. Sin embargo, es importante guardar medidas de seguridad y conocer los posibles efectos en un modelo experimental. El embri車n de pollo es un buen modelo para evaluar los efectos directos de radiaciones no ionizantes por su f芍cil manipulaci車n y disponibilidad. El objetivo del presente trabajo es comunicar los cambios histopatol車gicos en 車rganos del embri車n de pollo con y sin barrera de protecci車n al ser sometido a radiaci車n excimer. Se utiliz車 el siguiente elemento emisor: luz pulsada intensa (Xe-Cl excimer laser de 308 nm de longitud de onda. Se irradiaron los embriones a trav谷s de una ventana abierta en la c芍scara del huevo. Los huevos fueron mantenidos as谷pticamente por 24 hs en una incubadora. Las barreras de protecci車n utilizadas fueron vidrio con y sin color, latex, celof芍n, papel, policarbonato de diferentes colores y espesores. Los resu