Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a capacidade funcional ventilat車ria dos profissionais cabeleireiros da cidade de Maring芍, Estado do Paran芍, no ano de 2005, bem como a preval那ncia dos dist迆rbios ventilat車rios. A amostra da pesquisa foi constitu赤da por100 profissionais cabeleireiros e 30 secret芍rios. Os primeiros foram submetidos a uma entrevista e avalia o do aparelho respirat車rio, seguido da espirometria; j芍 o segundo grupo foi questionado quanto aos h芍bitos pessoais e submetido 角 espirometria. Com a metodologiautilizada, constatou-se que, dos 100 profissionais da 芍rea avaliados, 17% apresentaram algum dist迆rbio ventilat車rio, sendo 14% dist迆rbios ventilat車rios obstrutivos e 3% dist迆rbios ventilat車rios restritivos, ambos classificados como leve. No grupo dos secret芍rios, 100%exibiram valores espirom谷tricos normais, por谷m, 40% apresentaram implica o para a ocorr那ncia de obstru o. Conclui-se que 谷 alta a preval那ncia de dist迆rbios ventilat車rios em cabeleireiros; contudo, sugere-se a realiza o de estudos longitudinais para investiga o dascondi es de trabalho desses profissionais. This research aimed to verify the hairdressers∩ ventilatory functional capacity in Maring芍, State of Paran芍, city in 2005 and the prevalence of the ventilatory disorders. The sample of the research was constituted by 100 hairdressers and 30 secretaries. The former was submitted to an interview and to an evaluation of the respiratory system, followed by the spirometry; the second group was interviewed about personal habits, and they were submitted to the spirometry. Results pointed that 17% of the hairdressers had some ventilatory disorder, and 14% of these were obstructive ventilatory disorder and 3% were restrictive ventilatory disorder, and both were classified as light disorders. In the secretaries group, 100% showed spirometric values into the normality standard. Based in these results it can be concluded that the ventilatory disorder happens among the hairdressers, however, new studies must be done to investigate the work conditions of these professionals.