Preliminary analysis of resonance effect by Helmholtz Schrdinger method

作者:Yan Er Yan a)b) Meng Fan Bao a) Ma Hong Ge a) and Chen Chao Yang a) a) Institute of Applied Electronics China Academy Engineering Physics P O Box Mianyang China b) Graduate School of China Academy Engineering Physics Beijing China
来源:Chinese Physics B, 2010, (10): 61-66.


The Helmholtz-Schrdinger method is employed to study the electric field standing wave caused by coupling through a simple slot. There is a good agreement between the numerical results and the resonant conditions presented by the Helmholtz-Schrdinger method. Thus, it can be used in similar cases where the amplitude of the electric field is the important quantity or eigenfunctions of the Schrdinger equation are needed for complicated quantum structures with hard wall boundary conditions.