A New Discovery of Cretaceous (~125 Ma) Migmatite in Liaodong Peninsula, North China Craton

作者:Liu Jin; Zhang Jian*; Liu Zhenghong; Yin Changqing; Zhao Chen; Cheng Changquan; Liu Heng; Miao Yazhou
来源:Acta Geologica Sinica, 2019, 93(6): 1969-1970.


<正>Objective The North China Craton (NCC),especially its eastern region,had experienced extensive lithospheric thinning during the Mesozoic (Zhu et al.,2011).The Liaodong Peninsula is an important constituent of the eastern NCC,and has recorded intensive lithospheric thinning-related magmatism and extensional deformation (e.g.,metamorphic core complex;Zheng et al.,2018).Previous
