Relaci車n entre 赤ndice Facial Superior e 赤ndice Nasal en Cr芍neos Chilenos Adultos

作者:Bustamante; Maria Fabiola; Fuentes; Ramon; Flores; Tania; Sanhueza; Antonio
来源:International Journal of Morphology, 2011.


the face is the main symbol of identity which defines us as individuals as well as in the process of interpersonal contacts. metric characteristics contributed by craniometry allow us to characterize crania and faces by means of indexes. a craniometric study was carried out in 32 crania of adult subjects of both sexes. facial diameters were measured using indexes according to bidegain %26 carvalho de mello. facial height average (n-pr) was 66.20 mm (sd㊣5.26) with maximum boundary of 76.68 mm and minimum of 51.22 mm. facial maximum width on average (zy - zy) was 127.05 mm. (sd㊣6.85), with maximum boundary of 139.08 mm and minimum of 112.7 mm. average nasal width was 23.99 mm (sd ㊣ 2.81), with maximum boundary of 35.13 mm and minimum of 18.97mm. nasal height average (n-ns) was 50.97 mm (sd㊣3.58) with maximum boundary of 55.96 mm and minimum of 39.58 mm. facial superior index on average was of 52.20 (sd㊣4.54) with maximum boundary of 62.29 mm and minimum of 43.92 determining the mesorrhine tendency in male and female crania. nasal average index was 47.30 (sd㊣6.28) with maximum boundary of 67.14 and minimum of 36.23 thereby determining leptorrhine characteristics in male as well as female crania. the information obtained will afford health care professionals access to new data for anthropometric and anthropological studies.
