Recomendaˋˋes para o manejo da tromboembolia pulmonar, 2010

作者:Terra Filho; Mario; Menna Barreto; Sergio Saldanha
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2010.


pulmonary thromboembolism and deep vein thrombosis together constitute a condition designated venous thromboembolism. despite the advances, the morbidity and the mortality attributed to this condition are still high, because the patients present with more complex diseases, are submitted to a greater number of invasive procedures and survive longer. although there are various international guidelines available, we decided to write these recommendations for their application in medical practice in brazil. these recommendations are based on the best evidence in the literature and the opinion of the advisory committee. this document is only a tool for use in the management of patients. although the recommendations it contains can be applied to most situations, physicians should adapt its content depending on their local context and on a case-by-case basis. pulmonary thromboembolism is diagnosed by evaluating pre-test clinical probability (scores) together with the results of imaging studies, the current method of choice being ct angiography. stratification of the risk for an unfavorable outcome is fundamental. hemodynamic instability is the most important predictor. low-risk patients should be treated with heparin, commonly low-molecular-weight heparins. high-risk patients require intensive monitoring and, in some cases, thrombolytic therapy. in the long term, patients should receive anticoagulants for at least three months. the decision to prolong this treatment is made based on the presence of risk factors for the recurrence of the condition and the probability of bleeding. prophylaxis is highly effective and should be widely used in clinical and surgical patients alike, according to their risk group. finally, we include recommendations regarding the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary thromboembolism.
