Fundamento. El pron車stico del melanoma diseminado es muy sombr赤o. Actualmente no hay consenso sobre el tratamiento est芍ndar en primera l赤nea para el melanoma metast芍tico. Se presenta un caso por su comportamiento excepcional. Resultados. Var車n de 43 a os diagnosticado en 1999 de melanoma maligno estadio IIA. En mayo de 2000 se objetivaron met芍stasis hep芍ticas y espl谷nicas. Recibi車 6 ciclos de bioquimioterapia (cisplatino y DTIC junto con interleukina-2 e interfer車n-汐) cada 21 d赤as y otros 6 ciclos con inmunoterapia sola (interleukina-2 e interfer車n-汐). Actualmente el paciente sigue vivo y sin evidencia de enfermedad. Conclusi車n. El melanoma cut芍neo metast芍tico, en ocasiones, presenta una inusual evoluci車n favorable. Es de esperar que los m谷todos de detecci車n de marcadores moleculares logren determinar factores implicados en este tipo de respuesta y que los nuevos tratamientos dirigidos consigan mantener esta tendencia positiva. Background. The management of patients with disseminated disease is a difficult problem. There is currently no consensus on the standard first-line treatment for metastatic melanoma. We present a case because of his exceptional evolution. Results. A 43 year old male diagnosed in 1999 with malignant melanoma stage IIA. In May 2000, hepatic and splenic metastases were detected. He received 6 cycles of biochemotherapy (cisplatin and DTIC, plus interleukin-2 and interferon-汐) and another 6 cycles with single immunotherapy (interleukin-2 and interferon-汐). Today, the patient is still alive and without evidence of disease. Conclusion. Metastatic cutaneous melanoma, sometimes, presents and unusual and favourable evolution. In the near future, the methods of detection of molecular markers are expected to identify factors involved in this type of response. Furthermore, new targeted therapies may become essential to maintain this positive trend.