‘Raocui Ganlan’is a new late ripening Canarium album(Lour.)Raeusch cultivar selected from a seedling of‘Tian Zhonglan’which is a local cultivar in Guangdong Province. The fruit is oval with yellowish green skin and yellowish white flesh. The average fruit weight is 12.6 g, with 81.3% edible rate, 11.8% soluble solids content, 40.0 mg ? g-1 soluble sugar content, 0.18 mg ? g-1 vitamin C content, 3.2% crude fiber content, and 8.65 mg ? g-1 tannin content. The flesh is crisp, light astringent, unforgettable aftertaste, thick olive taste and it is suitable for fresh consumption. It matures in mid-late December in Chaoshan area with a long harvest period until February of the next year. It has high and stable yields, the yield of single 8–9 years old plant is 40.0–52.8 kg.
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