the objectives of this work were to evaluate the production of lettuce in a protected environment, using different organic composts as nitrogen source and its residual effect in two successive cycles. the experiment was conducted between february and may of 2005, at a greenhouse with controlled ventilation and temperature, using 3.5 l vases and ground classified as dark red latossol. organic composts produced from the mixture of residues of the processing of four medicinal plants and cattle manure were used. the composts c1, c2, c3 and c4 in doses 30, 60, 90 and 120 t ha-1 composed the treatments, set in an entirely randomized design, with four repetitions and one control (additional treatment). the following were determined: fresh matter of aerial part; dry weight of aerial part and number of leaves. the applied composts satisfactorily supplied the nitrogen needs of the culture, in the first cycle, making the use of mineral fertilizer unnecessary. the composition of the applied materials significantly influenced the production of lettuce in the first cycle, promoting residual effect in the second cycle, although in lesser ratios.