Estudo histomorfom谷trico do m迆sculo esquel谷tico de ratos em anestro

作者:Moreira; Manoel de Almeida; Brito; Marcus Vinicius Henriques; Brito; Nara Macedo Botelho; Freire Filho; Marcos de Souza Lopes
来源:Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2005.


castration, as well as the menopause, represents endocrine suppression that prevails the hipoestrogenism and their larger consequence on the skeletal muscle is to provoke sarcopenia. objetive: to study the morphometric alteration of striated muscle of castrated female rats. methods: twenty six female rats wistar , distributed in two sub-groups, a and b, submitted initially to weigh-in place, vaginal cytology, ovariectomy, and biopsy of the muscle rectus femoris on the back paws, a group on right paw, and b on the left. elapsed 20 days it was collected vaginal cytology to prove the anestrus status. after 70 days the animals went through weigh-in place, and new muscle biopsy, a group in left paw and b in right paw. the morphometric study was accomplished with the aids of a graduated lens, with reticules of 100 mm2, it was counted the myofibrils with six readings in the vertical and five in the horizontal in each sheet, being obtained a multiple number that applied on a specific formula to calculate the coefficient of muscular density. results: in a the muscular density varied from 60.0 to 52.33, (p%26lt;0,05%), with variation of 14,12%, and in b from 73.5 to 54.0, (p%26lt;0,05%), with variation of 26,53%. conclusion: the castration provoked sarcopenia in the striated muscle and reduction of myofibrils number.
