Utilizing Arghel extract as corrosion inhibitor for reinforced steel in concrete

作者:Abdel Gaber A M*; Khamis E; Hefnawy A
来源:Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe und Korrosion, 2011, 62(12): 1159-1162.


Inhibition of the corrosion of reinforced steel in concrete in 0.5?M NaCl by Arghel extract has been studied employing different electrochemical techniques in conjunction with optical images photo. Potential-time measurements showed that introducing of Arghel extract into concrete shifts the potential of reinforced steel to more positive values. Potentiodynamic polarization curves measurements manifested that Arghel extract acts as anodic type inhibitor. Nyquist plots were characterized by a distinct charge transfer and diffusion components. A proposed equivalent circuit was used to analyze the impedance spectra of reinforced steel in concrete in 0.5?M NaCl. Optical images for the cracked lollipops samples of the reinforced steel in concrete that is immersed in 0.5?M NaCl for 18 months showed no corrosion attack even in the presence of a low concentration of Arghel which is in good agreement with the results obtained from the electrochemical techniques.