
The areas of the State Policy are set, specially focussing on the Defense as it is closely related to concepts like National Interest and Anglo-Saxon bipartisan policy. Nevertheless, the political alternation will cause differences. It is also necessary to tell the difference between the State Policy and the Policy carried out by the State. That*s why the democratic Parliaments play a fundamental role in shaping the defence policy. Although the Parliament symbolizes the National Sovereignty there can be and there are actually differences with the Public Opinion. This sort of divorce is not really new as, in Spain, it became evident in a very intensive way on the occasion of decisions such as the Spanish entry into the NATO. A State Policy related to Defense, kept during a long time and resistant to political alternation would certainly be the best instrument to reach a culture of defense. Se establecen los 芍mbitos de las pol赤ticas de estado, con especial 谷nfasis en la Defensa al estar esta vinculada al concepto de inter谷s nacional, y al anglosaj車n bipartisan policy. No obstante, la alternancia pol赤tica va a crear discrepancias. Conviene diferenciar la ※Pol赤tica de Estado§ y la ※Pol赤tica del Estado§. Por ello, los Parlamentos democr芍ticos juegan un papel fundamental en la conformaci車n de la pol赤tica de defensa. Pese a que el Parlamento representa a la soberan赤a nacional pueden producirse, y de hecho se producen, discrepancias con la opini車n p迆blica. Este divorcio no es nuevo y en Espa a se ha manifestado de forma muy intensa con ocasi車n de tomas de decisi車n como la incorporaci車n a la OTAN. Una pol赤tica de Estado en defensa, mantenida en el tiempo y resistente a las alternancias pol赤ticas ser赤a el instrumento m芍s adecuado para lograr una cultura de defensa.
