
作者:Sanyukta Chaudhuri; 杨舟
来源:中学生英语, 2021, (23): 19-21.


<正>Poltu was wide awake in his bed.He had had a good dream in which he had won the football match in the inter-school competition.He was getting ready to receive the trophy1when the alarm rang.So loudly that he was woken up.波尔图在床上完全清醒过来。他做了一个美妙的梦,梦见自己在校际足球比赛中获胜。他正准备领取奖杯时,闹钟响了。声音太大,他被吵醒了。But Poltu wasn ’t too unhappy at the intrusion2.He ran straight to his study table.There,in an empty jam bottle,was the treasure.A colourful little butterfly.