Itinerant electronic ferromagnetism in Sr2ScO3CoAs with largely spaced CoAs conduction layers

作者:Ohta Hiroto*; Noguchi Daisuke; Nabetani Koichiro; Katori Hiroko Aruga
来源:Physical Review B, 2013, 88(9): 094441.


We studied magnetism of Sr2ScO3CoAs, a member of the group of layered compound with CoAs conducting layers, by using successfully synthesized polycrystalline sample. As a result of magnetic and electric resistivity measurements, Sr2ScO3CoAs was revealed to be an itinerant electronic ferromagnet with the Curie temperature T-C = 48 K. We discussed the magnetism of this compound within the spin fluctuation theory for three-dimensional itinerant electronic ferromagnets in the ordered state and also pointed out possible quasi-two-dimensional behavior observed in magnetism.