
the township of presidente figueiredo, in the state of amazonas, was visited for three consecutive years, from 1996 to 1999, with the aim of acquiring botanical samples from the area, in order to carry out studies in the %26quot;taxonomic monographies and revisions preparation%26quot; subproject, for the purpose of preparing a survey of the flora. collections pertaining to the present work are deposited at inpa%26apos;s herbarium and, general information on the taxa studied here were complemented with those obtained from earlier collections conducted by other researchers. thirty nine (39) species distributed into 15 genera were identified for the family annonaceae juss. (magnoliopsida). of these, duguetia a. st. hill., guatteria ruiz %26 pavon, annona l., unonopsis r.e.fries and xylopia l. stood out on account of their species diversity, the former two were represented by eight and six species respectively, and the latter three by four species each. family gnetaceae lindl. (gimnospermae) is only represented in the surveyed township by genus gnetum l., with species g. leyboldii tul.
