
<正>“难眠夏夜抵秋赊,帘幔深垂窗烛斜”。人体五脏之中,心属火,主藏神。夏季炎热,心火旺盛,此时若肾水亏虚,则不能滋养心神,易出现失眠、心神疲惫、健忘等症状。It is too hot to fall asleep in summer nights and curtains reflect candlelight vertically. Among the organs of the human body, the heart pertains to fire element, which is in charge of storing spirit. If the kidney-water is deficient in summer, it will not be able to nourish the heart and mind. As a result,the heart will be susceptible to insomnia, mental fatigue, forgetfulness and other symptoms.

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