Efeito dos antidepressivos ISRS sobre os hormˋnios tireoidianos

作者:Bahls; Saint Clair; Carvalho; Gisah Amaral de; Boeving; Anke
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria, 2007.


this article aims at updating antidepressant action, especially using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, on thyroid function in depressed patients. seven clinical trials investigated the status of thyroid hormones after treatment with ssris. despite methodological differences, the main finding indicated a tendency towards decreased serum thyroxine levels, the majority of studies could not find a positive relationship between lower serum thyroxine level and a favorable treatment response. also, an effect on thyrotropin could not be found. those study results suggest ssris promote effects on thyroid function in some depressed patients, specifically decreased serum thyroxine levels. however, the relation between ssris antidepressant use and thyroid function is not clear. even when there was a change in serum thyroid hormone levels due to ssri therapy, this could be a non-specific effect on thyroid function.
